The DVD/CD/USB Pendrive Encryption Software
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How to use the password protected DVD
If you would like to know how to password protect cd or how to password protect a usb drive, encrypt usb drive read article How to create encrypted usb drive or create encrypted dvd/cd disc.
This article will demonstrate how it is easy to use password protected cd/dvd or usb stick. In our case it is DVD disc, created by Master Voyager.
On this screenshot, you see standard Vista's Windows Explorer.
Section "Devices with Removable Storage" contains icon of encrypted DVD RW disc: "DVD RW Drive (I:) Mobile Voyager".
Double click this icon and the AutoPlay module of the disc will be automatically launched. Please note, on some systems, like Vista 64-bit, autoplay feature is disabled by default. In this case please open the root folder of the protected disc and launch "mvoyager.exe".
Transparent decryption
Master Voyager uses strong 256-bit encryption to protect data on encrypted compact discs and usb flash drives.
But it is not needed to decrypt files before use.
Master Voyager uses so-called 'transparent decryption' technology. I.e. you provide password and then work with files as on usual compact disc/hard drive.
After providing right password, the secure partition becomes visible as usual external hard drive. It means that any program can work with this drive and files on this hdd. Even video files can be played in program like Windows Media Player. The decryption process is totally transparent and performed in background by the CD autoplay module loaded into memory.
How to encrypt CD and send it via postal mail?
Read how to create encrypted CD and DVD with autoplay module
How to transfer documents safely between home and work on encrypted USB Flash Drive?
Read how to use usb encryption to create password protected USB Flash Drive with integrated autoplay module
Christmas and New Year Savings!
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Self Defence Package
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Master Voyager Home Edition 3.35
November 13, 2016
Improved compatibility with Windows 10.
Master Voyager Home Edition 3.32
January 11, 2015
Fixed incompatibility problem of the licensing system with the 2016 year.
Master Voyager Home Edition 3.31
November 10, 2014
"Compatible with Windows® 8 and 7" software

It can do almost everything you desired!
I’ve been searching for a utility to password protect removable media for long, possibly a free one but without any luck until recently, I came across Master Voyager – a commercial program which satisfies my needs and even supersedes my expectations. I guess many of you are not aware of the solution and that’s why I write about an application that can do almost everything you desired regarding protection of content on removable media.